Tuesday 25 September 2012

Homework task

This item is in assassins creed and can be used to kill people or to defend youself when your under attack. this is a 3D desgined item i think this item in the gameing world is more realistic you will be able to make this out of every day items. This item is very well made for this game it fits in to it really well and the item is very effective.this item is very very good but if you could change anything about it i would say insted of haveing metal and a material why dont you just have full metal to make the item look more hardcore.

Thursday 13 September 2012

Fallout 3
The inventory in Fallout 3 is a limited inventory. In this inventory you can look at such things like health, ammo etc, this inventory is very stylish and modern because instead of a block based inventory or a menu based this inventory it is on the players arm and it is like a mini computer system. Controls in the fallout 3 inventory are really easy all the player has to do is once in the inventory simply just use the d pad or analogue stick to move around the menu’s and to look at such things as health click the A button (Xbox) or click the X button (Ps3) once you are over the health icon.   In the fallout 3 inventory you can access your health which is always useful you can also access your ammo which is also real useful, also in the inventory you can look at the mission you are doing at that time and look at goals that need to be completed and goals that already have been completed, the player can also look at what gun they are using and what equipment they have on them (e.g. grenade’s) this will help the player to understand what sort of tactic they may want to do. I feel that this inventory is excellent for the gamplay because the game can be very fast paced and if you need to access the inventory the game will carry on playing whilst you are in the inventory (make sure you are quick) so it gives the player a bit of a challenge to be quick if they are being shot at. I think that the inventory is very good because it is very different to other games i like how it is not boxed made and that it looks really nice when you access it, this inventory will be very good to make and I feel this inventory would work in my games design.

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Assassins creed
The inventory in Assassin's Creed is limited, there are set places where your items go. You can interact with the inventory in many ways such as you unlock/collect each item as you progress through the game another way you can interact with the inventory is by pausing the game and looking at pictures of what you have unlocked/collected so you know what you have got. The things that are controlled in the assassin's creed inventory are you have some items which you can stack (e.g. bullets, throwing knifes) and there are also items which you can also only have one of (e.g. swords,posions etc)  this can be good because it gives the player a bit of a challenge because he only has one sword or because he/she can only have a maximum of 5 bullets/throwing knifes at one time in the inventory. This inventory is good but it also has a down side to it, as a player you don't want to keep buying or collecting ammo to make some of the item useable but the good thing about this is it keeps the player involved in the game and gives the game a bit more of a challenge to find/buy the ammo so he/she can use their item again. This inventory suits the game play very nicely because in this game it can get very instance and it is very easy to access your inventory in a rush (just by clicking on your d pad)  I think that the inventory is very good but the only downside to it is not having the option to store more bullets or swords in the inventory instead of just having one sword and 5 bullets. I wouldn't make this inventory because I don't like the way you have to keep on buying/collecting ammo instead of just storing more.   
The inventory in Minecraft is limited, there are set blocks where you can put item's in but you can't have a unlimited amount of items in an inventory. you can interact with this inventory in many ways such as you can craft minor items (e.g.  touch's, sticks etc), also to open your inventory as a player  all you have to press is E and to get back out if the inventory all you press is I this is a very easy inventory to open and close. Within the minecraft inventory there are things you can control such as crafting and stacking; you can only stack up to 64 items on some items and up to 16 items on more rare items and even on some items you cannot  stack them at all. This inventory is excellent for the way the game is played, it is very easy to access the inventory and close it again also this inventory is useful in some ways (e.g. crafting)  this way you don't have to keep going back to your crafting table to 'craft' things. I feel that this inventory is very good because it has so many different aspects to it witch helps you in so many ways I think the way it is all set out is brilliant and is easy to access and navigate. This inventory is very easy to make and it would be very good to make because it is a so simple inventory.