Monday 12 November 2012

Art in games

Art In Games


Photorealism is where they bace everything on the real world and try and make it as realistic as possible, it uses such things as reflections and shading to give the effect that someone is there in the game.

Grid Racedriver, In this game it allows the user to play the game like they are the driver of the car, This game uses shadeing and reflections e.g light or other cars, to give of the effect that the user is in the car and they can see the other cars see the light reflecting onto the car, also in the game when a car crashes or a other car hits the car they are driveing the car will be damaged depending on how hard or how serious the crash may be like if a other car hit there car from behind then the bumper may come of but say if there car hit a wall the front of the car will be very damaged compared to the back. Also the intearier of the car is very acurate and in such detail that you can see the stitching on the steering wheel This game will link in with the artist Edward Hopper because of the way they use colours and shadeing effects just like the artist.

Fifa 13, in this game it allows the user to play the game like they are watching a game of football or like they are the footballplayer, the footballplayers are seen in such detail that it looks like them in real life and each footballplayer has there own stats and there own style of play just like in the real world, and in this game the user can see the crowd jumping about chanting and when they score the crowd will jump up just like in the real world. also each of the characters have there own facial expreshions e.g shocked happy, angery. also the way they have there own look like stubble or the way there hair is styled.


Realism is the real world made into a painting or a game, it uses lighting and shadeing effects to show that the game or the painting is 3D and is in the real world, also realism uses facial expressions and movements to make the game or painting come to life a look like to user or observer is really there and is seeing the game or painting through there own eyes.

Edward Hopper

Edward Hopper is a very good painter, he uses shading and lighting effects to show his work, he mainly does pictures of buildings and people, he makes it look realistic because of the tones he uses and the shadeing he does. This compares to the photorealistic games because of the the lighting effetcs and the shading in most photorealistic games they uses lighting effects e.g sun on a car, to sypolise that the user is really there, just like what Edward Hopper does with his work.

 Cel Shadeing 

Cel shading is a form of art style similar to  comic books, It's similar to them because Cell shading is supposed to make a 3D model look exactly like the model was drawn by a hand or by a painting.

The only games i can think of that uses cell shading are borderlands and crackdown these two games are very similar to one another, borderlands users cell shading in every aspect of the game everything in the game looks like it was drawn up and painted or colored in and in crackdown the amount of detail that went into the landscape of the environment and the detail in the characters was unreal, if i had to choose i would choose crackdown due to its incredible looks and its outstanding design due to borderlands okay looks and great design but crack down just wins the vote from me.

Pop Art

Pop art is meant to look like the artist has drawn the work up and it naturally looks 3D, The artist will use bright and bold colours in there work because pop art is a very bold and very bright genre.


Cyberpunk is a postmodern siencefiction genre, it features mostly science fiction things like aliens and space but in its own way, cyberpunk is usually made to be put into a 3D concept but could be put into a 2D.

The two games i can think of that use the cyberpunk style would be final fantasy series Deus ex, these two games show a great style of cyberpunk and they both show off cyberpunk to the best of there ability, finial fantasy has changed the way cyberpunk has developed over the years, where Deus ex has been made to the modern standers, if i had too choose between the two games i would choose finial fantasy because i really like how it has helped changed the cyberpunk genre over the years and i feel it is one of the best games out there that shows of cyberpunk to its best. 

Art Deco

Art Deco is a very Artistic style it shows of the slightistic of details like shading and colours, this style is a very interesting one, i really like this style because it really shows of the shading and i feel that it is what art is all about and i feel that most games should be designed around this


Exaggeration is a game style that is baced around things being well to small or way too big for the world, also the game characters could be way to oversized or way too small also the games music or weapons could be over powerd or too loud.

The main game i can think about that involves exaggeration would have to be little big planet, this game has to be the best game the explains exaggeration to its best, little big planet shows puppets in a giant sized world with giant sized things, this game shows it off in a 3D concept and does it quite well if i had to rate this game i would rate this game a 10/10 because this game has to be one of the best games in it genre


Pixel is mainly baced around 2D, pixel doesnt show much detail but the games are usesly quest games or text based games, each but of the games have there own pixels.

the two best games i can think of are super mario and mega man, these games are very good and where some of the earlyist video games that involved pixel, mario was one of the best selling games at its time and was one of the best loking games at its time it was one of the first games to involve colour and be pixel baced it showed facail features of the character and allowed the charatcer to shoot fireballs witch could also be seen, Mega man was a earlyier game that did involve colour but it wasent better than mario but it still was a very good game at its time. 


The gothic theme is a very dark and a very depressing theme, gothic is mainly very dark and very scary but it could also be used in a non scary game, in the gothic theme they use dark colours heavy shading and shadows to express what the theme is all about.

the two main games i can think about are deablo and the darkness, these to games show of gothic really well with deablo with its 2.5 grapics shows the user what gothic is all about with its dark shadows and coridors you can not see down this game was one of the best games out at its time, this game had alot of gothic characters like demons etc all of the charachters where wearing dark matairals or something gothic. where the darkness with its 3D grapics had a diffrent concept to deablo this game was very scary and very dark most of the game was set in the dark so this made the game very werid and very scary. there where lots of shadows used in this gaming style just like deablo.  

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