Thursday 20 December 2012

Styles of Feedback Interfaces

Feedback can be displayed in different ways, the user will need to know information that is important first like ammo or health if the user didn’t know this information they couldn’t play the game Right, Because the ammo and the health helps the user think of the way they play, A other way Feedback comes in is vibration and audio it makes the user feel the game and interact with it more.

It shows the user information that they need to know, without overloading them with other information that they do not need to know. Other icons will go off into different menus such as weapons, objective and map, these icons are there because if there is too much information on the screen the user will get bored or to distracted rather than just playing the game, in such games as Assassins Creed, Skyrim and Pokémon.
Colour Psychology is where the game will show different colours to represent different things such as Red the user will automatically think that is Danger or stop but it also could just mean health so colours do affect a game a lot. In such games as Pokémon and skyrim colour interface really is good in these two games.
Inference is trying to guess what the User will do next such as the Microsoft paper clip every time you do something it tried to guess what you will do next to help the user move around Microsoft software. There is a game that involves this is FIFA, FIFA does this by goalkeepers diving on a pelenty shoot-out or the Com’s tackling the user in a game.
Player Viewpoints are 1st person and 3rd person views. A 1st person viewpoint  is the user is the character all you will see is what the character will see and 3rd person viewpoint is where the user will be able to see the character and the environment around him/her. In such games as GTA, Call of duty and FIFA is where 1st person and 3rd person views apply the best.
In recent games the game is more like a movie where the user will watch the character progress through the game like a storyline, The user will complete an objective or a mission and then a short or long “MOVIE” clip will come onto the screen where ether there is more people to kill or somewhere you have to go. Call of duty, Uncharted and GTA are all good examples of Camera Techniques. 
Lighting Effects can mean different things such as if the environment is dark the user will automatically think doom or death but if the environment is bright or full of primary colours the user will automatically think friendly and safe, an example of a game would be batman for darkness and Mario for Brightness.

If there is an explosion in a game the controller will vibrate this will make the user feel the game instead of just play it an example of this would be is when you shoot a gun on Call of duty or drive a car on need for speed, every time you shoot the controller will vibrate to make it feel like you’re holding a gun or when you go over a rough part of the road on need for speed the controller will vibrate to make the user feel like he or she is driving the car. Haptic is another thing under physical  haptic is where the joy stick ether moves back into position after use or when the user feels pressure on the joy stick and example of a game would be flight simulator or , the games that tend to use this are like flight simulators or war types of games.

You can get different sounds out of a game like music this tends to be slow for games like call of duty and halo but for games like Mario and sonic it tends to be fast and catchy to get the user to play the game more, you can also get background music this is where the music will be short but it will have some sort of effect on the user like make the user upset or feel scared or happy. An example of this would be Mario and halo.
The mood can change in a game one minute the game can be fat and there is lots to do in it then the next minute the game can be slow and steady. The mood can have a big effect on the user and how they play the game, say if the mood is sad the user could start to play slowly and think more but say if the mood is fast the user want have much time to think about what they are going to do next or how they are going to do it. An example of a game would be call of duty in some parts you have to be slow and steady but in some parts you have to go all out and give it your all as fast as you can.
The emotion in a game can affect the user in many different ways like if their character dies the user might have got attached to the character and will feel upset and sad but say if a character they hate dies they will feel happy that that character dies, emotion plays a big part on how the user plays the game because if there is a character that the user like then they will want to protect that character and do anything that the character needs to do. An example of this would be call of duty when ghost dies or in halo when sgt Johnson gets killed.
Ambience in games can vary from game to game like Mario is a very happy and bright game so the ambience in the game will be fast and happy music but for a game like batman the background music will be very dark and slow but at times in the game it could be a bit scary. But war type of games like call of duty, halo in them sort of games the music is very classical and sad.
Dialogue in games is basically cut sense or when people are talking, a dialogue is usually used when there is a new scene or a new objective they are suppose to help the gamer  throughout the next part of the game and it also helps them understand the story that much better .
Foley effects is where in the game there are sound effects like slamming doors this really adds to the effect of the game because without the sound effect in a game the gamer might get bored or un scared because in some games like slender sound effects matter a lot it’s what makes the game fun to play

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