Saturday 12 January 2013

My Character bio

Pip is from the town of Zipp she loves to do her job as a cleaner at the meatal plant, she really enjoys liveing in the town zipp she is well known arounf the town but not always for a good reason, Pip is very forgettful she is always forgetting things like going to work or like birthdays so most of the town make fun of her, Pip has one friend called fifi she is a small broken down robot who lives in the mental plant fifi was aboandond as a small robot and she never knew her mum and dad untill Pip came into her life, Pip as the loveing robot she is took fifi in and they became best friends. Pip doesnt know her mum and dad all she knows is that they went to fight in the galatic war leaveing Pip behind she has learnt how to look after herself but she is not very confident and she doesnt really talk to anyone apart frok fifi.


Height: 7ft

Weight:7 stone

Sex: Male

Eye colour: Yellow

Hair colour: Stainless Steel

Glasses or contact lenses: None 

Nationality: Zeccone

Skin colour: Stainless steel

Shape of face: round

Clothing: None

Mannerisms: Wals a bit funny because of a injury that he had a few years ago

Health: Very good                                                    

Mental Health: Scared/lost 

Habits: forgetting major things in his life

Hobbies: Walking around his home planet zipp
Favourite sayings: 'Shoot' 'Why always me'  

Voice: robotic with a slight squek to it
Walking style: slight limp in the right leg 

Disabilities: None
Characters greatest flaw:Forgetful 

Characters best quality: looking after what he loves best and always fighting for the people he loves

Home town: zipp
Current residents: zipp
Occupation: Works as a cleaner in a small metal plant
Income: none 120000rm py

Talents skills: 

Family status: lost both mum and dad
Character as a child: Pip
Character as an adult: Pip

educational background: never went to school grew up on her own
intelligence level: 140

 characters goals: to find out if her mum and dad are still alive

 self esteem: very low 

confidence: Pip is a character that has hardly any confidence
emotional state:
Relationships: single  

 Fear: looseing
introvert extrovert

Tuesday 8 January 2013

The Joker Bio

The Joker

Basic statistics

Name:The Joker

Alias: Jack Napier

Height: 6ft

Weight:160 lbs (73 kg)

Sex: Male 

Eye colour: Green

Hair colour: Green 

Glasses or contact lenses: None  

Nationality: Irish

Skin colour: White  

Shape of face: Defind shape

Distinguishing features 

Clothing: psychotic  

Mannerisms: The two scars on his face to make his smile bigger. 

Health:  Not very fit but still in good health                                                      
Mental Health: Crazy/Phycopath

Habits: Laughing 

Hobbies: Terrorism  

Favourite sayings: 'Welcome to the mad house'  

Voice: Sqeeky 

Walking style: Sturn Walk  

Disabilities: None  

Characters greatest flaw:

Characters best quality: His Laugh and his Phyco ways.

Social characteristics 


Current residents: Gothem City  

Occupation: Unemployed 

Income: None

Talents skills: Smart  

Family status: His wife got sliced up by the mafia  

Character as a child: Jack Napier

Character as an adult: The Joker

Attributes and Attitude 

educational background:


intelligence level: 160

characters goals: He has no goals all he is about is causing trouble and terror to the city of gothem  


self esteem: Very high the joker thinks he is the greatest person around  


confidence: Very Confident he is not afraid to show himself  


emotional state: lonely the joker lost his wife

Emotional characteristics 

Motivation: To cause as much mayhem and terrer to the city of gothem  


Happiness: Mad with power  


Relationships: Widow  


Fear: ChildHood from his Dads heavy drinking


introvert extrovert

Spiritual characteristics

Characters involvement in this story 



Monday 7 January 2013


The Hero

Name: Sonic the hedgehog

Characteristics: Fast,Trustworthy,helpful,caring,brave.humble

Sonic is a werid little hedgehog who trys to help everyone out and protect everyone from doctor egg man, sonic never puts himself before anyonelse. 

Name: Batman

Characteristics: Strong,Trustworthy, helpful,sneaky,role model

Batman is a very sneaky and very smart person he goes around gothem protect everyone from the joker he is a really nice guy and he always puts his life on the line.

The Shadow

Name: doctor egg man

Characteristics: Evil,Twisted,Dopey,Strange,weak

doctor egg man is a very strange guy he is not you ordanary villan he acts very strange and sometimes he doesnt even know what he is doing

Name: The Joker 

Characteristics: Strange,Smart,Evil,Psychopath, 

the joker is a strange guy he likes to tease batman in such a way it winds him up, the joker has many diffrent sayings and he is just a really scary guy.

The Fool   

Name: clap trap



characteristics:fuuny,hedgehog, silly, freindly

The Anima/Abimus


Characteristics: Guloble,vunrible,attention seeker, flirt,

amy is a very flirty character she likes sonic and always gets into danger.

Characteristics: Strong,Confuzed,Scared,Brave,Powerful,

Anikian use to be a jedi before he changed his ways and went to the dark side Anikian is a very confuzed and lost character

The Mentor

Name: Bruce wane

characteristics: kind,strong, smart, helpful,

Name: yoda

characteristics: wise,old,strong, magicul

The Trickster

Name:weetley-portal 2
Charcteristics: werid, unrealiable, fuuny, stupid

Name:palpiteen- starswars

Charcteristics: evil,horrible, twisted, cruel


The Hero

Name: Sonic the hedgehog

Characteristics: Fast,Trustworthy,helpful,caring,brave.humble  

Name: Batman

Characteristics: Strong,Trustworthy, helpful,sneaky,role model

The Shadow

Name: doctor egg man

Characteristics: Evil,Twisted,Dopey,Strange,weak 

Name: The Joker 

Characteristics: Strange,Smart,Evil,Psychopath, 

The Fool   


The Anima/Abimus


Characteristics: Guloble,vunrible,attention seeker, flirt,

Sunday 6 January 2013

Task 2


In this project we was asked to look at the theme recycling, we was asked to design a character based around recycling and our own ideas, we was also asked to reference films, games, animation, illustration and
artist's that focus around the theme of recycling.   



WAL-E is a film that is all about recycling because the main character its self is a robot that is made from recycled materials, even though this film is the most common film that involves recycling it has to be one of the best film out there with the theme recycling. This film is all about a little robot that is trying to save his world and wal-e (the robot) goes around collecting scrap and compressing them into cubes.the world around wal-e is full of waste and metal so really that is what he has to call home. I really like the way they have made this film and i feel that it could inspire me with my design work.



One good example of recycling in a game is fall out, in the game fallout the character can use different things to turn them into something better so if the character wanted to become stronger or to become more deferenceive, i really do like the way you can do this in this game and i think it really does show that recycling is very good even if some people don't think so.

Derek gores 

This artist is very good at collages he uses old materials and makes art with them, i really like his work I feel that he can really help me with my design work and inspire me with my drawings and ideas, also his work fits in well with what the project is all about recycling, this artist is really good at what he does i feel that he is the best artist out there for recycling collages