Tuesday 8 January 2013

The Joker Bio

The Joker

Basic statistics

Name:The Joker

Alias: Jack Napier

Height: 6ft

Weight:160 lbs (73 kg)

Sex: Male 

Eye colour: Green

Hair colour: Green 

Glasses or contact lenses: None  

Nationality: Irish

Skin colour: White  

Shape of face: Defind shape

Distinguishing features 

Clothing: psychotic  

Mannerisms: The two scars on his face to make his smile bigger. 

Health:  Not very fit but still in good health                                                      
Mental Health: Crazy/Phycopath

Habits: Laughing 

Hobbies: Terrorism  

Favourite sayings: 'Welcome to the mad house'  

Voice: Sqeeky 

Walking style: Sturn Walk  

Disabilities: None  

Characters greatest flaw:

Characters best quality: His Laugh and his Phyco ways.

Social characteristics 


Current residents: Gothem City  

Occupation: Unemployed 

Income: None

Talents skills: Smart  

Family status: His wife got sliced up by the mafia  

Character as a child: Jack Napier

Character as an adult: The Joker

Attributes and Attitude 

educational background:


intelligence level: 160

characters goals: He has no goals all he is about is causing trouble and terror to the city of gothem  


self esteem: Very high the joker thinks he is the greatest person around  


confidence: Very Confident he is not afraid to show himself  


emotional state: lonely the joker lost his wife

Emotional characteristics 

Motivation: To cause as much mayhem and terrer to the city of gothem  


Happiness: Mad with power  


Relationships: Widow  


Fear: ChildHood from his Dads heavy drinking


introvert extrovert

Spiritual characteristics

Characters involvement in this story 



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