Saturday 12 January 2013

My Character bio

Pip is from the town of Zipp she loves to do her job as a cleaner at the meatal plant, she really enjoys liveing in the town zipp she is well known arounf the town but not always for a good reason, Pip is very forgettful she is always forgetting things like going to work or like birthdays so most of the town make fun of her, Pip has one friend called fifi she is a small broken down robot who lives in the mental plant fifi was aboandond as a small robot and she never knew her mum and dad untill Pip came into her life, Pip as the loveing robot she is took fifi in and they became best friends. Pip doesnt know her mum and dad all she knows is that they went to fight in the galatic war leaveing Pip behind she has learnt how to look after herself but she is not very confident and she doesnt really talk to anyone apart frok fifi.


Height: 7ft

Weight:7 stone

Sex: Male

Eye colour: Yellow

Hair colour: Stainless Steel

Glasses or contact lenses: None 

Nationality: Zeccone

Skin colour: Stainless steel

Shape of face: round

Clothing: None

Mannerisms: Wals a bit funny because of a injury that he had a few years ago

Health: Very good                                                    

Mental Health: Scared/lost 

Habits: forgetting major things in his life

Hobbies: Walking around his home planet zipp
Favourite sayings: 'Shoot' 'Why always me'  

Voice: robotic with a slight squek to it
Walking style: slight limp in the right leg 

Disabilities: None
Characters greatest flaw:Forgetful 

Characters best quality: looking after what he loves best and always fighting for the people he loves

Home town: zipp
Current residents: zipp
Occupation: Works as a cleaner in a small metal plant
Income: none 120000rm py

Talents skills: 

Family status: lost both mum and dad
Character as a child: Pip
Character as an adult: Pip

educational background: never went to school grew up on her own
intelligence level: 140

 characters goals: to find out if her mum and dad are still alive

 self esteem: very low 

confidence: Pip is a character that has hardly any confidence
emotional state:
Relationships: single  

 Fear: looseing
introvert extrovert

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