Sunday 3 March 2013

2 game reviews

Kerwhizz Game

This is a game on the Ceebies website this game is all about questions and if you get it right you get points but that is not what the game is all about it lets you race at the end of all the questions so even though most of the game is questions it allows some fun at the end of the game.also what is good about this game is it is based on the child show witch really helps them get into the game more. I really like the fact the game puts learning first and then fun it teaches the child to do this in life and progress in there learning life, the overall look of the game is a typical game for a young child very bright and very colorful this is what a game for young ones should look like the game should also interest them this game also does that by basing the game on a TV show, this is a game that i would say is amined for 5-7 year old this is because of the questions that are asked and the colour scheme. If this game could be improved i would say the cut scene's i feel for a game that is aimed for 5-7 year old that there are too many cut scenes and the child will get bored when playing the game. This game is designed around the TV show Kerwhizz so the game looks just like the TV show i think this is a great thing because its something that the child will recognize.      

Whack attack 

This game is game that is on the KS3 bitesize website this is a game where you have to answer questions on a subject of your choice (English,Math or science) and instead of just a question and answer this game allows the child to choose there answer through a picture i feel that this is a good idea because it gets the child thinking and gets them more interacted with the game, this has a high age range because of the difficultly of the questions and the over all design of the game. This game could be improved by adding in some fun into it to me it seems just to be question after question and i know it is for KS3 but they will still get bored of doing question after question. This game is aimed for 8-10 year old's this is because of the difficulty of the questions and the look of the overall game. This game has a very basic look but it still has some key assets witch i like about it, it is still very plain but then again it is for KS3 children   

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